Retail consulting.

Market Due Diligence

Market and location analyses

  • Evaluation of location conditions
  • Presentation of future market developments through proven future forecasts
  • Clear results for stop or go decisions

Floor space and revenue potentials

  • Evaluation of space potential
  • Quantification of potential rental income
  • Analysis of opportunities and risks

Risk analyses

  • Valid data and methods as a basis for risk assessment
  • Hedging in the acquisition and financing process
  • Evaluation of realisation scenarios and potential rental income in risk classes

Red flag reports

  • Relevant key figures on market and location
  • Future forecasts at a glance
  • Rough location evaluation for a first quick decision

Rating & benchmarking

  • Measurement of traffic frequencies and review of rent levels
  • Property comparison based on industry data and industry players
  • Clear recommendation to strengthen own market positioning

Retail zone optimisation

  • Optimisation of the location or retail zones
  • Clear recommendations on the sector and tenant mix
  • Recommendations on additional offers suitable for the market

Marketing and leasing support

  • Recommendations on optimal tenant structure
  • Evaluation of possible market or rental prices
  • Marketing coordination of retail zones

Market and target group analysis

Market analysis and property potentials

  • Comprehensive market and property analysis
  • Calculation of catchment areas, turnover and floor space potentials as well as cannibalization effects
  • Clear description of property potentials

Analysis of consumer and user behavior

  • Definition and interpretation of target group distribution and development in the surrounding area
  • Linking with social space information and socioeconomic data (Sinus Milieus ©) incl. analysis of online-offline preferences of target groups
  • Recommendation for successful positioning and targeted marketing measures

Competitor analysis

  • Evaluation of existing market offers and competitors
  • Identification of the USP of competitors
  • Development scenarios of competitors

White spot analysis and expansion concepts

  • Upselling potentials and niche target groups through reliable data
  • Strategy for expansion, property search and review and identification of untapped sales potential
  • Strategic consulting for market entry and positioning

Analysis of business types

  • Analysis of business types and structures
  • Derivation of clear and efficient recommendations for action

Retail structure reports

  • Analysis of current and future retail structures and flows of purchasing power
  • Examination of the economic impact and spatial compatibility of retail projects as a basis for individual zoning ordinances and other zoning matters.

Forecasts and trend studies

Space and revenue potentials

  • Evaluation of scenarios and adjustment of sales and floor space potentials to current trends
  • Comparing the potential of brick-and-mortar with online retail
  • Basis for increased room for action for decision-makers

Forecasts and scenario calculation

  • Outlook on future market development through verified data material and key figures
  • Calculation of future scenarios and forecasts and formulation of future-oriented recommendations for action
  • Increased risk assessment and hedging through scenario planning

Future use concepts of the property

  • Analysis of future demand for various uses of the property
  • Clear recommendations on future secondary use concepts based on trends and forecasts

Market reports on forecasts and trends

  • Preparation of holistic market reports on market developments and trends in the retail or retail property sector
  • Relevance of future forecasts based on 35+ years of market experience

(Future) use concepts

Needs analysis

  • Derivation of future needs on the basis of existing and planned offers
  • Clear recommendations for action for sustainable dimensioning
  • Strategic approaches for optimal conceptual design

Use and future use strategies

  • Investigation of the needs and offers of different uses
  • Secured data and analyses as an optimal basis for the risk assessment of each possible or market-relevant type of use
  • Determination of an ideal/possible subsequent use at the location through future forecasts and trends

Ground floor zoning concept

  • Determination of concrete measures for the optimisation of the retail and ground floor zones
  • Consideration of location conditions and possible supply gaps

(Re)positioning and refurbishment

  • Future-oriented positioning strategy
  • Sound foundation for further positioning strategies and internal decision-making processes (addressing target groups, optimising tenant mix, gastronomic offering, facility management services)

Tenant search and recommendation

  • Support of tenant search through careful preparation of marketing materials
  • Recommendation for specific industries and tenants with space dimensions and suitable rental approach